When uploading dataset to Decanter AI, be sure to follow the guidelines below:

1. File format

Decanter AI only accepts UTF-8 CSV. If your file is not this format, please see the attached instruction document on how to convert your file to UTF-8 CSV.

2. File size limit

The file upload size limit for Decanter AI is dependent on your purchased/trial solution plan. 

  1. Cloud plan: 25MB

  2. Individual plan: 100MB

  3. On-premise: 10GB

To find out the price plan you’re on, reach out to your MoBagel contact or open a ticket here.

3. Features/columns limit

The limit is based on the data content and therefore the number of features/columns limit can vary.

As a general rule of thumb, the maximum number of features/columns in a dataset should be less than 1,000 when uploading to Decanter AI. 

4. Dataset needs to have data in it

If there are columns/features but no actual data, the file upload will fail.